What is ERMplanner?

ERMplanner is software to provide insight into planned activities on a system landscape. It creates a visual overview in which the availability and unavailability  of systems is graphically visible.

By making system availability transparent, conflicting activities can be prevented and projects and activities can be planned more efficiently. The system landscape can be constructed flexibly and consists of environments, systems and clusters of systems. Users can create their own cross-section of the system landscape so that only the information relevant to them becomes visible. Existing activities can be viewed and new ones can be entered. New activities are initially entered as draft planning and must be approved by a release manager before they are finally included in the planning. In addition to activities, release schedules can be projected onto the system landscape. Projects and activities can also be linked to release schedules.

ERMplanner consists of two parts:
  1. The ERMplanner Windows app. This is a Windows 10 application that provides full functionality as described above. The Windows app must be installed on the user's computer. The Windows client is typically intended for release and project managers who want to plan and record activities on the system landscape. By assigning roles, other interested parties (such as project employees) can also use the Windows client.

  2. The ERMplanner Web app. This is a web application that can be used using the web browsers Microsoft Edge Chromium or Google Chrome. The Web App provides only part of the functionality as described above, and is intended to provide insight only without the ability to modify data. The Web app is typically intended for project employees and other interested parties who only want insight into the activities on the system landscape.