ERMplanner License
To be able to use ERMplanner, you must purchase a subscription from us. The subscription costs are adjusted to the use, you only pay for the number of units you need. A unit is a system or a user in ERMplanner. The more units you purchase, the lower the price per unit. The starting price per unit is €7.
Server / Cloud Hosting
ERMplanner uses Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Internet Information Server. If you do not manage this hardware yourself, you can take out a Cloud subscription. Costs for Cloud hosting depend on usage intensity and usage hours. A Microsoft Azure Server configuration based on 150 units and 250 hours of use costs approximately €50 per month.
SLA (optional)
A Bronze Service Level Agreement is included in the license fee. Depending on the usage intensity within your organisation, you can extend the standard subscription with a Silver or Gold SLA level. The additional price per unit for SLA level Silver is € 1. The additional price per unit for SLA level Gold is € 2.
Calculation example
Your organisation has an OTAP system landscape in which 40 systems are located. You want to grant 20 employees access to ERMplanner. This brings the number of units to 40 + 20 = 60 units. The Bronze SLA meets your requirements. You do not manage your own servers and want to use Cloud hosting.
The monthly license costs are therefore 60 * € 7 = € 420. Cloud hosting for this configuration will be an estimated € 40 per month.